1. Organisers
Bricoday is organised by Epe Edizioni Srl. The organising secretariat has its headquarters at Via Spezia 33 – 20142 Milan, Italy.
Tel +39 0289501604
Email segreteria@bricoday.it
2. Place, date and duration of the fair
Bricoday will run from 2 to 3 October, 2024. It will be held in hall 3 at Fieramilanocity – Milan.
The fair will be open to visitors from 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. on 2 October and from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. on 3 October. During the opening hours, the stands and products on display shall not be covered up and the Exhibitors shall guarantee the presence of their own staff at the booths. Under no circumstances may exhibitors remove items from the exhibition hall prior to 5.00 p.m. on Thursday, 3 October. The opening hours may be subject to change.
The Organisers reserve the right to change the dates, place and duration of the fair or to postpone the event, without Exhibitors having any right to claim compensation.
3. Participation in the event and payment of the exhibition space
To register for the fair, the application form, fully filled in and signed, must be submitted to Epe Edizioni Srl,Via Spezia 33 – 20142 Milan, Italy, via e-mail.
The total amount for participation in Bricoday shall be paid in instalments, as follows:
- First advance payment, to be pain upon registration
- Second advance payment, to be paid by 31 March 2024 (any participants registering after this date will be required to pay the two advance payments together, as a single amount, upon registration)
- Balance, to be paid by 31 July 2024 (any participants registering after this date will be required to pay the full amount upon registration)
Immediately after submission of the application form, the Exhibitor will receive an invoice from the Organisers relating to the first advance payment for the booth; this shall be paid no later than the date indicated on the invoice. The request of participation will be considered accepted only upon receipt of the payment.
4. Right of withdrawal
Exhibitors have the right to withdraw from the present contract. This right must be exercised by and no later than 31 July 2024 by notifying the Organising Secretariat. Exercise of the right of withdrawal by an Exhibitor entitles Epe Edizioni Srl to withhold the amounts corresponding to the first advance payment (for cancellations received before 31/3/24) or first and second advance payments (for cancellations received before 31/7/24). Any Exhibitor not exercising the right of withdrawal by the deadline of 31 July 2024 will be required to pay the full amount for participation in the event.
5. Force majeure
In the event of force majeure or other circumstances linked to events beyond the control of the Organisers, the planned dates for the Exhibition may be changed without the Exhibitor having the faculty to withdraw from or otherwise terminate this contract and free itself from the obligations herein undertaken, provided that the sums paid by the same will be considered valid for the new dates. If the Exhibitor is unable to participate in the new dates, Epe Edizioni Srl will have the right to withhold the first advance payment as compensation, while any excess will be returned to the Exhibitor. Nothing else will be due to the Exhibitor for any reason whatsoever (compensation, reimbursement of expenses, compensation for damage).
6. Co-exhibitors
Booths areas are generally sold as a whole and to a single party. The Exhibitor is therefore prohibited from moving, swapping or sharing the exhibition area, and from putting all or some of it at the disposal of third parties, without prior authorisation from the Organisers. For use of the exhibition space by another company, with its own products and staff (co-exhibitor), will be applied a fee based on the booth area of the main Exhibitor.
7. Modifications to the exhibition halls
The Organisers reserve the right to modify the floor plan of the exhibition halls and to change the position of stands, when requested to do so by the owners of the halls, the fire protection authorities or the local authorities, or for any other reason.
8. Technical Regulations
The Exhibitors shall comply with the Organisers’ regulations, with the provisions and regulations issued by MiCo – Milano Congressi, and with all the legal provisions in force within the exhibition halls.
The Technical Regulations, i.e. a guide explaining the organisation of the fair, will be made available to all Exhibitors before the fair.
The Organisers will allow the Exhibitors adequate time for setting up the stands and for making all the technical connections, as well as for dismantling them and removing all their displayed products and other materials. The dates and times for these tasks will be published in the Technical Regulations.
9. Copyright
Anyone wishing to bring to the stand audio and video equipment and amplifiers, or other electrical equipment, for the purpose of transmitting sound recordings, showing videos or receiving visual images or sounds transmitted by means of electronic means, shall ensure, under their own responsibility and at their own expense, that they have obtained all the necessary licenses and authorisations required under copyright law or under legal provisions referring to violations of the rights of those who enjoy legal protection against unauthorised public performance or transmission of their recordings. The Organisers accept no responsibility in this regard; furthermore, the Organisers accept no liability for the consequences of non-compliance with the abovementioned rules.
10. Safety
All materials used to construct, decorate or cover the stands must be made of flame-retardant materials. Exhibitors shall follow any instructions issued by the Organisers, by the owners of the exhibition halls, or by any other authority. The Organisers will look after general safety inside the hall. However, it is the Exhibitors’ responsibility to ensure the safety of their own stands and they are advised, in particular, to secure lights and any movable objects, and to mark their exhibition space with adhesive tape.
11. Noise control
Video equipment, loudspeaker systems, tape recorders, and film or slide projectors may be used as long as the noise level is low enough not to disturb visitors and other Exhibitors.
The Organisers reserve the right to use their discretion with regard to acceptable noise levels. Live demonstrations of noisy machinery shall be limited to the strictly necessary, to avoid disturbing visitors and Exhibitors.
12. Cleaning
Cleaning of the exhibition hall will be the responsibility of the Organisers and will be carried out by an officially appointed company. Exhibitors producing a significant amount of waste during the stand construction and dismantling phases or during the event itself, or that have specific requirements in relation to the cleaning of their stand,must contact the Organisers.
13. Promotional activities
The distribution of promotional material, displaying of posters, and grouping of installations with advertising content may take place only within the perimeter of the stand, and is not permitted anywhere else in the exhibition halls or exhibition centre. This restriction also applies to anyone showing advertising material, on signs, clothing, etc., who, therefore, may not circulate outside their exhibition area.
No advertising may violate current legislation or good taste, nor be of an ideological or political nature.
The Organisers reserve the right to prohibit the display or distribution of advertising material that could cause offence, and to confiscate all such material for the entire duration of the fair.
14. Intellectual and industrial property protection rights
The Organisers neither welcome nor condone Exhibitors who, through the production, sale, possession, dissemination or advertising of their products, violate intellectual or industrial property rights or contravene the laws that protect these rights. As demonstrated by the executive ruling of a court with competent jurisdiction, should an exhibiting company infringe these laws, the Organisers have the right to exclude the said exhibitor from any and all events that they may organise in the future, if they believe, in their absolute discretion, that there is a risk of reiterated infringement of intellectual and/or industrial property rights.
15. Applicable Law/Jurisdiction
Theapplication form, conditions of participation and any other agreement or contract relating to the fairare governed by Italian law. The Court of Milan has exclusive jurisdiction over disputes arising from the aforementioned contractual relationships.